Zeuz Finance | Smart Contract Audit Report | 2021 | QuillAudits

QuillAudits Team
2 min readMay 22, 2021


QuillAudits has officially announced the successful completion of the smart contract security audit for Zeuz Finance Smart contracts. A meticulous and professional security audit was conducted, which checked & ensured the following imperative points:

— The overall quality of code.
— Use of best practices.
— Code documentation and comments match logic and expected behavior.
— Token distribution and calculations are as per the intended behave mentioned in the whitepaper.
— Efficient use of gas.
— Code is safe from re-entrancy and other vulnerabilities.

The audit rigorously checked for any signs of vulnerabilities like Re-entrancy, Timestamp Dependence, Gas Limit, and Loops, DoS with Block Gas Limit, Unchecked external call, Unchecked math, Unsafe type inference, etc., as the contract went through Structural, Static and Dynamic analysis as well as methodical Code Review.

About Zeuz Finance

Zeuz is for the gods of DeFi and comes together with Pegazuz the all-in one wallet for several chains. Zeuz is aiming to disrupt the web3 wallet provider landscape and combines use-full functions such as privacy, swaps, data analytics, cash backs and several chains.

The deployed contract can be found at https://etherscan.io/address/0xff729170f0c793cc1a28ea3c30d88c219743d0a6#code

Audit Report Summary

Apart from the issue and suggestion, the contract is working fine for the business logic and the related functions. Unused variables and code add to the complexity, which is not recommended. Code can be optimized by minor changes for gas optimization. Passing all checks and test cases for contract security and gas fees.
Compatibility tested and passed with most of the ethereum based wallets and platforms. Most of the test cases passed by using ethereum based test networks and testing tools.

The entire audit report with in-depth details about the contract code and its vulnerabilities can be found here — https://github.com/Quillhash/Audit_Reports/blob/master/Zeuz%20Smart%20Contract%20Audit%20Report%20-%20QuillAudits.pdf

About QuillAudits

QuillAudits is a secure smart contract audits platform designed by QuillHash Technologies. It is an auditing platform that rigorously analyzes and verifies smart contracts to check for security vulnerabilities through effective manual review with static and dynamic analysis tools, gas analyzers, and simulators. Moreover, the audit process also includes extensive unit testing as well as structural analysis. We conduct both smart contract audits and penetration tests to find potential security vulnerabilities which might harm the platform’s integrity.

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